Links to Relevant Wiki Articles(s):

Links to Relevant Scratch Resources:

The Scratch Coding cards are available in multiple formats for translation. The Translating Scratch Coding Cards page includes detailed information on where to find the source files in various formats, and how to submit the translated cards for publishing on the Scratch website. 

While the source files for the Coding Cards are not in Transifex (the Scratch Team translation platform), we still encourage everyone to join the Scratch Translation team to help coordinate the translation and not end up duplicating efforts.  Please see the Transifex Getting Started Guide for more details on signing up for a free account. Once signed up you can return to the Scratch Coding Cards project, and click the "Help Translate..." button to join the Scratch Translators team on Transifex. We also encourage volunteers to join our Slack Community for translators. It can be helpful to discuss tricky translations and best practices with people translating Scratch to other languages.

The cards themselves are under a creative commons license CCbySA which allows you to adapt the cards as long as you give attribution, and also share what you do under the same license. Please note that some images are trademarked, and can only be used as they are within the cards (including the Scratch logo, the Scratch Cat, and the characters: Gobo, Giga, Nano, Pico, and Tera). If you are seeking to publish the cards for sale, please contact to let us know as we may already be working with a publisher in your country.

We are happy to accept your translation of the cards and post them on the Scratch Website as the cards for your language. Follow the instructions for Getting your translations published on the Scratch Website to submit the translated documents to the Scratch Team. If you share them in other ways, please include the attribution, "The Scratch Coding Cards by the Scratch Team ( are shared under the CCbySA 4.0 license".