Al momento non c'è un modo di trasferire gli account studente da un Docente ad un altro. Non è neanche possibile convertire gli account studente in account Scratch regolari. Stiamo ancora investigando su come questo possa essere realizzato e ci scusiamo per qualunque inconveniente questo possa causare. Nel frattempo ecco alcuni suggerimenti che permettano ai tuoi studenti di conservare il proprio lavoro.


One way for students to be able to keep their account and projects would be to leave the class "open." Students only lose access to their accounts and projects when a class is closed.


If you do not wish to keep a class open, we would encourage you to have the students create a new (regular) Scratch account. Once they have created this account, there are a couple ways they can keep their projects. The first way would be to download their projects from the student account and then re-upload them into their newly created account. Alternatively – and perhaps more easily – they can make use of Scratch's remix feature and remix their projects from their student account to the new account. Remixes will be saved even if the original project is deleted.