The Scratch Foundation (“Scratch”) has designated as the single point of contact for EU Member States’ authorities, the European Commission, and the European Board for Digital Services in connection with the application of the Digital Services Act. Communications with Scratch’s single point of contact shall be in English. 

When contacting Scratch, please be sure to include all of the following:

  • Your first and last name

  • The name of the EU authority you are acting on behalf of 

  • An email address where Scratch can contact you

  • If applicable, clear information that is sufficient for Scratch to locate the illegal content concerned, such as one or more exact URLs and any additional information which would identify the material.

Please note that we will only respond to emails received from EU Member States’ authorities, the European Commission, or the European Board for Digital Services in connection with the application of the Digital Services Act.

If you are a Trusted Flagger, please visit EU Digital Services Act Trusted Flaggers