Links to Relevant Wiki Articles(s):

If you encounter a bug or glitch in Scratch or the Scratch website, please report it in the Bugs & Glitches forum. This is where you can report any bugs you may be experiencing as well as see if others are having similar issues.

When you report a bug in the forum, please include the following information:

  • A description of the bug

  • Detailed steps for how to reproduce the issue you are having

  • Any project or page that can be used to reproduce the bug

  • Your browser & browser version when you encountered the bug

  • Your OS & OS version when you encountered the bug

  • Your Scratch username

  • Any errors you saw or are seeing

  • Any relevant threads on the Bugs & Glitches forum 

  • If you feel comfortable doing so, open the javascript console and include any errors you see

If the bug or glitch is in a project you're making, you can ask for help in the Help with Scripts forum.