Scratch v šolah

Kako spremenim geslo svojega učenca?
Učenčevo geslo lahko poenostavite tako, da v Moji Razredi izberete ustrezni razred na levi strani. Kliknite na zavihek "Učenci", nato pri posamez...
Fri, 16 Jul, 2021 ob 1:05 DOPOLDAN
Ali obstaja .msi ali kakšen drug način za sočasno nameščanje Scratch namizne aplikacije na več računalnikov?
Trenutno ne obstaja MSI različica namestitvenega programa, Ne obstaja način, kako bi Scratch namizno aplikacijo sočasno namestili na več računalnikov. Upam...
Wed, 6 Maj, 2020 ob 11:08 DOPOLDAN
Ali lahko prenesem račune učencev na drugi razred ali učitelja, oziroma ali lahko spremenim učenčev račun v običajnega?
Currently, we do not have a way to transfer student accounts from one Teacher to another. We also do not have a way to convert a student account into a regu...
Fri, 16 Jul, 2021 ob 1:05 DOPOLDAN
Kot učitelj, lahko dodam obstoječe Scratch račune v svoj razred?
Teacher Accounts can only create new student accounts. It is not currently possible to add existing Scratch accounts to a classroom. As a workaround, you m...
Wed, 6 Maj, 2020 ob 11:08 DOPOLDAN
Kako pobrišem račune mojih učencev?
Currently, there is no way to quickly delete or edit a student account from within the Teacher Account. The deletion menu is within each individual Studen...
Wed, 6 Maj, 2020 ob 11:08 DOPOLDAN
Kako lahko ponastavim gesla svojih učencev?
With a Teacher Account, you have the ability to set or reset your student's passwords.  You can do this through the "My Classes" ...
Fri, 16 Jul, 2021 ob 1:05 DOPOLDAN
Ali lahko učencem preprečim komentiranje oziroma nasploh izklopim komentiranje z računov učencev?
We do not provide settings that would allow you to disable the ability of another account to share or comment on Scratch. However, there are a couple of opt...
Wed, 6 Maj, 2020 ob 11:08 DOPOLDAN
Ko poskusim dodati nove učence, dobim sporočilo o napaki.
Scratch Teacher accounts currently support a maximum of 250 students per class. If you need to create more than 250 students, you will need to create multip...
Thu, 14 Jan, 2021 ob 12:05 DOPOLDAN