
Tuetteko LEGO WeDo 1.0 -versiota?
Valitettavasti emme tue Scratch 3.0:ssa LEGO WeDo 1.0 -versiota, koska monet tukemistamme uudemmista alustoista eivät pysty muodostamaan yhteyttä USB-laitte...
Pe, 29 Touko, 2020 klo 7:00 PM
Why can't I find my Lego Wedo 2 in the Android/ChromeOS app?
Because the device list is generated by the Android/Chrome operating system, the Lego WeDo 2.0 will usually show up as “LPF2 Smart Hub 2 I/O” in the device ...
Ke, 10 Marras, 2021 klo 12:05 AM
Why can't I find my LEGO Boost in the Android/ChromeOS app?
Because the device list is generated by your Android/Chrome operating system, the LEGO Boost will usually show up as “LEGO Move Hub” in the device list.   ...
Ke, 10 Marras, 2021 klo 12:05 AM